The regular AGM and Pre-season meeting will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 19 February 2025, at the Salvation Army NBC, Taigum. Attendance is worth one competition point. Emails have been sent to clubs and managers - please add into your diaries.
Given the late timing of Easter this year, we are going to have to start the 2025 season on 29 March, play two rounds, then have the Easter holidays off. This is the only way we can give you a full season of fixtures. The season dates are outlined on the Important Season Dates on the Resources / Current Season page.
There have been no changes to fees from 2024, and match day fees will also remain the same.
Please start submitting your club and team registrations - these are due by 1st March
Please view the BFQ website / Resources / Current Season to see updated registration club/team/player documents and the calendar of important dates along with the mid-season breaks. Season Rules have also been posted there but are pending final adjustments if required following the AGM and Pre-Season meeting.